Balance & Stability
At the Balance Arts Center we love to move. We recognize that we all are continuously in motion and want to encourage everyone to discover the fundamentals of how they move so they can move better. Better balance, coordination, and ease of movement are our goals.
The BAC offers classes through the lens of the Alexander Technique, which guides students to awareness and mind/body integration. This results in better posture, alignment, and increased range of motion.
Classes are designed to accommodate the abilities of every class member with adaptations and modifications presented along the way. These classes are great for people of all ages, especially seniors. Students are encouraged to increase their balance, strength, and stability while working within their own capacities.
Fundamentals in Flow, Balance, & Stability
Available online to rent
Fundamentals in Flow, Balance, & Stability is a 90 minute class that guides you through fundamental movement patterns that help improve balance, coordination, and establish a sense of flow and connection in your mind and body. This class begins on the floor with time to let go into the ground and prepare yourself to move in new ways. You will also spend time on your stomach and then come to standing to apply your refreshed posture to balance and stability movements.
One Pound Weight Class
Tuesdays 1-2:30pm
In this class you will explore how working with lighter weights can be a valuable way to strengthen and build tone. Students will work slowly and carefully while monitoring their form and alignment to promote stress free movement. What you learn and practice in this class can be applied to activities in your everyday life such as exercising, lifting and carrying things, and more!
Fall Prevention & Recovery
Wednesdays 1-2:30pm
Gain confidence in your balance and steadiness on your feet in our Fall Prevention & Recovery class!
This class will help you learn and embody strategies for maintaining your balance and preventing falls. You will be guided through movements that increase coordination and help you refine your balance. Participants will practice supportive strategies for getting up and down from the floor and moving between sitting and standing safely. Class will end with fun balance exercises and games to increase your confidence and adaptability in your standing and walking.
How to Prepare for Class:
Our classes are low impact. Bring or wear comfortable clothing that you can move in. Private bathrooms are available should you need to change before or after class.
We ask that students take their shoes off or bring a separate pair of indoor shoes to class. If you are not able to do so you will be provided with shoe covers.
No supplemental equipment necessary.
Teachers are steeped in the Alexander Technique Principles. All are either certified teachers of the Alexander Technique or in their final year of training.
The Balance Arts Center offers reduced and low-cost classes through the Silver&Fit® program!
The Silver&Fit program is available to people who are Medicare-eligible and have purchased Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement coverage that includes the Silver&Fit Healthy Aging and Exercise program as an added benefit.
Not sure if you are a Silver&Fit program member?
If you are not a Silver&Fit member and don't know whether you are eligible to join the program, please contact your health plan.
How to sign up for Silver&Fit classes
Once you confirm you are eligible for the Silver&Fit program, you can take advantage of our Silver&Fit classes immediately. If you have questions about the classes, call or email us!
The Silver&Fit program is provided by American Specialty Health Fitness, Inc. (ASH Fitness), a subsidiary of American Specialty Health Incorporated (ASH). Silver&Fit and the Silver&Fit logo are federally registered trademarks of ASH and used with permission herein.