Ann Rodiger joins Allison Lindsay on The Embodiment Podcast to talk about Alexander Technique, shifting our spatial awareness, creating space in our bodies and finding a sense of inner movement, how Alexander Technique can support those with hypermobility, finding three-dimensionality in our embodiment and ways to allow better posture to emerge.
These three games are fun to play with musicians as they help build awareness of habits the musician has and what other options might be available. The games are based on the concept of pendulation where the musician discovers optimal balance, force, and performance presence while playing. They are fun games to repeat and often useful at the beginning of a lesson or when students begin to develop detrimental habits.
Listen to this one minute check-in to practice staying with yourself and finding the ground during this time of ongoing change. The more we inhabit our bodies and allow ourselves to physically experience how we respond to uncertainty and anxiety, the more we are able to participate in the process of transformation.
A musicians’ well-being begins with themselves! As a musician, you are the main instrument in your music making process. Your basic body posture and balance and your continued ability to respond dynamically throughout playing is critical to remaining injury free. Try the practice in this blog to prepare yourself for practice and performance!
This 10 minute guided lie down allows you to bring awareness to your body, your breathing, and how you begin to make sound. It is filled with useful ideas to include in your preparation and recuperation from speaking and singing.